Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I am off to Haiti in just a few days. It's been quite the summer. I do not think I have ever traveled so much in such a short period of time. It's likely to be my last real summer, so I guess it is living up to this title. I am looking forward to staying put in one place for longer than a week for the first time since the end of May though. It's a little odd that my most permanent residence and possibly my least stressful period of time for the summer will be a foreign country, the Western hemisphere's poorest at that!

After my long-weekend visit to Port-au-Prince (Haiti's capital) in May, many of my fears about the country's political instability have subsided, and the State Department's travel warning has recently expired. Currently, my fears are revolving around my French skills. While I have taken over three full years of French courses in college, it is not the same as actually having to live in the language. If I were only there as a tourist it would be a bit different, but my internship will require me to use my French on a professional level, including over the phone, where all non-verbal communication signals are lost. I have been trying to watch some French films, but I think that my best bet at fluency(or something like that) will be immersion. I am hoping for patience from the people of Haiti.


Unknown said...

I hope you have a great trip and look forward to reading what you're doing... I'll have you in my thoughts and prayers... Be safe.. Jamie

Nancy said...

I'm so proud of you! You have already made a significant difference to so many people and you are setting out to make your mark on the world. God's blessings and my prayers are with you every step of the way! Va-bien!
Je t'aime bien! Maman